How much it cost to travel the world ?
Who's budget are we talking about ?

In here we will talk about the budget for my project as a Judo Nomad but travelling depend on everyone projects, life standards and country visited. I’ve been traveling in some places for less than 100e a month in some other i spent 8000 euros in a month… So just put things in perspective ! 

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Budget i Spent in 2023

You can see here that most of the budget for me went into transportation and work related stuffs, which would be very different for someone that just want to travel for fun. 
Also you have to consider that i have a lot of support from Judo clubs and Federations so the total cost of this year was probably more close to 25 000euros ! Which is much higher than the average cost of budget world tourist of my age. 

Now let’s study what should be the budget of the Year 2024 to give you an idea. 

2024, a special year
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Previsional of the year

This is the previsional of the year 2024 and might be the most expensive year of the project as i travel to very remotes and challenging places. 
One of the rules of this project is to take as less flight as possible but obviously it is not always possible 

How much cost the project in Total ?

Considering the budget of 2024 and the fact that the project is about 10 years long it would be already 300 000€ just for the basic need of the project. 

Though i plan new project in the future, with Nomad academies, training camps, nomad teacher federation and more, the project could cost from 500 000€ to 1 Million depending on what i can do ! 

How about the fundings ?

The project have different sources of income, 
Once again the key word is adaptation because those incomes can vary a lot depending on a month. 
The following stats are as in March 2024.

Youtube Income : 13€

13,39€ per month ! This is not much at the moment, this year i don’t focus on Youtube too much because i need to make the project first. 
In the future i want to grow the Youtube Income in order to make the project depending more on that than the others source of Income. 

Patreon-Tips Income : 750€

I receive from both platforms Tipeee and Patreon, though i try to focus more on Patreon as it’s more user friendly than Tipeee but at the moment my main source is from Tipeee. 
That money is from people that give monthly donation from “The buy me a coffee Strategy” where people choose to give a donation monthly starting from 1usd ! This is the main source of income and the goal is to reach 1200e with this one !

In exchange of the donation i send postcards and do giveaway for those people. 

Sponsors: 0€

At the moment it’s nothing, i’ve had the International Judo federation sponsoring the first year of the project and they could be back at the end of this year !
I’ve also had few times some sponsors, one of the best was 500e a month, otherwise it’s one time thing with like 100-200e per instagram post or video on Youtube… 
This is definitely an area i need to develop as well ! 

Direct donation: 100€

This one depends a lot of the country where i am, here in Australia it’s culturally very accepted so i have some months with more than 500e of donation. In Many other countries it’s not so on average i earn even less than 100e a month in that way. The direct donation come from clubs that want to thanks me after a class or a seminar, i don’t ask for it but sometime people do it anyway ! 

Merch: 0€

At this time of the year i don’t make any profit but i plan to sell it in the future, mostly rashguard to start with. 

Budget: 25 000€

I started the project with a budget of 25 000e, since then this money have been long time gone. I just keep some saving in case i need to fly back home for an emergency, but the situation is alarming now with less than 2000e left for emergency ! 



What are the financial plans ?
Discover how i do to survive after all these years