Who is the judo nomad ?
Julien Brulard (FRA) 31 years old
- From France
- 26 years of Judo
- Ex Member of Regional Performance Pole
- INSEP Student Master Sport Expertize and High Level Performance
- Olympic Paris 2024 Coach
- IJF Coaching Level 1
- Teaching since 15 years old
- Multiple regional champion, University national medalist
- 8 years of abroad experience (Japan, Georgia, Uzbekistan etc…)
- Teaching BJJ and No Gi since two years
- IJF approved project
- Judo Influencer (10k sub)

What is my story ?

I started judo at 4 years old in a French judo club called Milly sur thérain in Picardie.
At 14 years old i Joined the regional team (Pole Espoir Amiens ) for 4 years and won few times the department and regional championship and got medal at some tournaments.
Then i went to Paris to study, i stayed in some of the best clubs of the capital and train at the National Center for few years. At that moment i decided to focus on my studies and passed my bachelor in Sport and Judo federation coach graduation.
I took a year off to go to Japan and try to catch up with the best level.
That one year off became 3 years where i was going back and forth to France.
In the same time i was passing my master degree in sport science at the INSEP (Olympic France Center).
There i was working with some of the olympic athlete of Rio de Janeiro 2016. After being graduated i understood that i like to teach more than competing and decided to go this way.
Covid hit the world and for those two years i was working on building the judo nomad project !
Since then i have been to 43 countries and work with more than 20 national teams, from beginners to olympic level athletes, and even other disciplines.
The rest of the story is to come.