The values of the project

The Judo Nomad

The judo nomad project consist of traveling to all the 197 countries with as less flight as possible. I am teaching judo for free everywhere and live based on the donation as this project is a community project.
We will build a community of Judo nomads for the future but also other martial arts and be all connected together for peace, discipline and fun


The Judo Nomad Project has had an incredible impact since starting in August 2021.

We’ve visited 43 countries, traveled 50,000 km, and connected with 250 clubs and numerous martial arts enthusiasts.

Let’s celebrate our achievements and look forward to even more opportunities to make a positive change in the world of Judo and beyond. We’re striving for greatness together!​


“Your passion for judo education and the impact you've had on many young people is wonderful, and we appreciate your efforts. You have a talent for connecting with people and helping them reach their full potential. Keep believing in yourself and your abilities, as they can change the world. Thank you for inspiring us all.
“It is quite tough to travel and teach Judo in many countries, like Judo Nomad. Thank you for your efforts in sharing Judo, including in many provinces in Indonesia. We appreciate your dedication.”
Giani Lumatauw
Indonesia's International Relations
"I love the Judo Nomad Project, as it showcases the best aspects of our sport. No matter where you come from, you are treated with respect and are always welcomed to train Judo anywhere in the world."
Become a member
Financial survival of the project (1200€ / month => more infos in the budget section)
Almost there 72%